Our client was charged with 4 counts of Trafficking in Methamphetamine on a multi-accused indictment. Crown’s theory was that our client was an active participant in an operation that involved shipping kilo level amounts of methamphetamine to New Zealand, specifically that he was the individual responsible for mailing the packages. Charter issues aside, defence counsel strongly advocated that there was no likelihood of conviction because there was no way for Crown to prove our client had any knowledge of the contents of the boxes, he was shipping. This position was persistently advanced in discussions with Crown for over a year and a half. This matter was scheduled for an 8-week trial. Ultimately, Crown directed a stay of proceedings against our client and dropped all charges before the first day of trial.
Outcome: Stay of Proceedings. All charges dropped before trial.
Are you facing criminal charges in British Columbia? Waugh & Associates can provide you with expert legal advice and knowledge. Book your initial consultation today.